Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend Well-Being Wrap Up

It is before five in the morning on a Sunday and I am referring to this as a weekend wrap-up.  There is a reason for this.  With some extra sleep both Friday and Saturday night (generally achieved by going to bed early rather than waking up late), I have to catch up on a good bit today, so I don't see Sunday as much of a break.  Maybe it won't be work for my job at JHU for 100% of the day, but it is not a break.

Yesterday, I had a good, although brief, workout at the Y with my 11 year old.  He likes to do his weight training workouts when one particular person is in the weight/equipment room.  I wasn't planning for a weight workout yesterday, so I did a quick speed workout on the treadmill.  Better two mile pace than before the 2010 Baltimore Marathon by 25 seconds.  Things are going well there.

On the family/social side of well-being, I spent a lot of time with my 6 year old yesterday.  I took him to his hockey game and his 11 year old brother was nice enough to come and watch.  I spoke with a fellow marathon/half-marathon runner while at the hockey game (his son also plays).  We spoke with one of my son's teammates who had been inappropriately checked during the game yesterday and was offering my son advice on where to skate near the puck.  That was all good.  Then, I took him to the library with my 14 year old son and we checked out a couple of children's books--as well as a couple of yoga books.  Finally, his birthday party.  It was a party at a duckpin bowling alley.  Most of his classmates and one friend from across the street were very well behaved.  I spent a lot of time refereeing whose turn it was in one of the lanes.  I have to thank other parents who stayed and helped to manage the kids.  I don't think that Sherry and I could have pulled this one off all by ourselves with so many kids in such an open space and with four lanes to manage on whose turn it was.  I found the need to repeatedly referee on whose turn it was somewhat challenging.  However, I have to say that the child I had to remind most often was actually a very polite child as he asked to be excused from the table at which everyone ate pizza and the birthday cupcakes.  So, the refereeing is all just part of a party with kids that age and overall it was a great party.  It was a wonderful family day.

I did eat too much for dinner last night.  At least some of that I hope to take care of with a combined weight and 30 minute cardio workout this morning.  Then, it will be on to volunteering for the religious education program, grocery shopping, making dinner, attending the evening mass, folding laundry, and somewhere in there getting some "work" done.

While my personal well-being is pretty good, I have more reasons than in a while for concern about the greater well-being with the amount of violence in the news this weekend.  With all the family activity yesterday, I didn't hear much news.  I logged on to a local TV station's website this morning, and in addition to the shooting of the Congresswoman in Arizona, here were the top headlines: "Troopers shoot sword-wielding man//Calf. woman arrested for Md. boys' rape//Boyfriend booked in missing dancer case//Suspect rams police car, officer shoots".  Not exactly a happy news day and a lot of news that challenges the well-being of my city, my state, and my country.  

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