Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year/New Approach to Well-Being

This morning, I baked an Irish soda bread, did a little yoga, did a little work, ran a 3.4 mile workout in a half hour on the treadmill at the local Y, stretched both before and after running, combed my 6 year old's hair after his quick morning shower, delivered my 14 year old to high school, and arrived at the office before 8:30.  Later today, I'll record two start of course lectures for things that I am teaching online from late January to mid-March, sit through two committee meetings that I actually enjoy most months, and meet with two people who might be collaborators in the future.  This evening, I'll finish assigning grades for things I taught last term.

Does this define my well-being?  In many ways the answer to that question is yet.  When all is said and done, all I really need is psychological (from family and career), physical (from exercise), and spiritual (from a variety of things) fitness.  The fact that I can achieve these while doing more or less exactly what I want is a real gift that I know I have been given.

I listened to our priest's homily last night at mass in which he pointed out how excited people get about all sorts of things outside of church and just seem to take church as a necessary chore.  However, there are plenty of reasons for spiritual excitement both inside and outside of the church.  He even noted at the closing that if no priest was found to say next week's mass while he is away, "you know what to do."

A resolution I did not write down but that I have for this year is to find the spiritual excitement to guide me as much as the physical euphoria of a well-done workout. 

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