Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Time, Distance, and Me

Today is Tuesday.
Tuesday is a day for speed-
Going a certain distance,
At a specific time,
To make me,
Or so I hope.
Today I was looking forward to the speed workout.
I had to do my workout in the morning.
As a runner with a life outside running,
Sometimes there are other things.
And, tonight, there was an orchestra concert,
That my son was in.
It was fantastic.
So, I planned to run outside.
Before dawn.
At a local high school track.
But there was lightning,
When I planned to run.
So I went to the Y instead.
Speed workouts are often better
When run with others.
To pace against.
To speak with.
To cheer on and be cheered on.
But speed workouts alone can also be good.
The silence.
The solitude.
The simplicity.
A time.
A distance.
And me.
At the Y
There were others
In the room
With weights
And cardio devices.
But I was still
Essentially alone.
My entire focus was on a list
Of times
And distances
For me.
I ran one-quarter at the planned time.
I ran two-quarters at the planned time.
I ran three-quarters at the planned time.
Then a mile, a half, and one final quarter.
Focusing on nothing but the time and the distance for me.
Every turn on the track as if I were there.
The focus on the time and distance is intense for me.
Can I apply such a focus to my work?
More will get done.
Can I apply such a focus to my spiritual life?
I will be closer to God.
Can I apply such a focus to my family?
I will be a better husband and father.
Focus on a time, a distance, and me
Can be translated to other situations
Can be translated to other people
And will translate into achievement
For the better

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